Friday, July 29, 2011

Videos and SEO

Optimize a YouTube video for SEO
Viewing video online has become extremely popular in the world, and it is only expected to increase as long as people have access to sufficient bandwidth to view these online videos. The majority of online video portals, it was proved that YouTube currently holds the head with the greatest amount of traffic on all of them. Statistics show that about. 80000000 different videos are viewed through YouTube daily, and two hundred thousand new videos are uploaded as well. As this trend continues, it will become much harder to get a video seen, or ever have a chance of a viral video going.
The powerful search engine Google integrates YouTube videos in their organic search results. The owner of the video is, of course, rewarded with new links from YouTube with other various video portals and high rankings for certain keywords. Push the other competitors in the results page of search engine, and the recruitment of new registered subscribers to the video channel are also of great benefit to the owner of the video. It should be noted that the ultimate end goal is to promote a website or brand. It's really something that should be included in every single video.
Keep the video in three minutes
The video portal YouTube says that all videos must be no more than ten minutes long, and the file size must be less than one hundred megabytes. It is a fact that the videos on YouTube that perform well are those small and much shorter in length than the limits above. Usually the videos that are shorter in length will accumulate many points of view that long. Generate more views will increase the popularity of videos, and also help in creating more bookmarks and comments. The end result of which equals more inbound links, rank higher in search results, and a level of PageRank.
Title optimize a video Using Keywords
Adding laser targeted keywords in the title of the video can be just as vital that the appropriate optimization title tags in a web page. When it comes to organic search results, Google puts an enormous amount of weight on the label as a video. This is essentially the same way the ranking algorithm for their research works. The title tag for a video is the exact same way that Google and other search engines will use to display in the results page. Anchor Text targeted keywords must be used in the title of the video for maximum optimization.
Optimization of the description of a video Using Keywords
The second important aspect to be focused on optimizing a video description. This is extremely important when a person tries to assign video high up in Google search results.It's a good idea to place the keywords targeted twice in the description and also to add a link to any site is encouraged somewhere in the beginning of the description of the video.
Using keywords such as video tag
Tags are the main feature used when users are searching for videos on YouTube. In order to be visible in search results to videos for keywords you want, they must first be added to the tags for the video. What most do not know is that the tags are indexed and easily seen that the content of the page. When a search engine like Google is to determine where a video should ranking in organic search results, it will use the tags in the calculation. Charge the targeted keywords in the first spots of the field tag is very important. This will also raise the chance of the video to be found by YouTube users who are looking specifically for some videos that match the target tag.
It will also help to get video to appear in organic search results of search engines like Google. The main objective here is to blow up the target video at the top of the video and the organic search results. By following these instructions will give everyone the power they need to crush the competition. It could very well be as many web pages out there as there are YouTube videos, but there is a very good chance the videos will not be nearly as optimized as web pages. This works very well in improving any type of SEO strategy be used for a website.

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